Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Openning up

Hey yall, some years back i started a blog and due to having kids and being overcome with juggling motherhood, employment business and school i found myself having less and less time to write and more time with diaper changes midnight feeds, studies that are still uncompleted, am done having kids and am now back to my 1st love...writing!, yes iam back 365 days a year.

i find myself living three different lives, this blog is an eye into who i REALLY am, u may love me you may hate me but i have to live my life some day, we get one chance and we need to LIVE it.

I have three kids that i LOVE with my entire being! i wouldnt trade them for the world!

here now begins the history of my life, who i am the decisions i have made in my life and what has put me where i am today.... i love my life at present i HAVE NO COMPLAINTS. at this moment in time i have a wonderful life i wouldnt trade for anything and a wonderful husband! he is no.1.

Yes i am aware that things in this life are not standard, things change but i have to appreciate what i have now and when things are good. things are GOOD!

u know what forget about the history of my life, it will come up in time i am sure. right now am working at growing our company so my husband i will call Adam, and i work from home, its far from the CBD and our car is in the garage (forever it seems, its dead) so we bus or cab around that means starting off for a meeting an hr and a half early, its time consuming and its steals into our productive time and thus money that could be made.

I am enjoying working from home though only when kids are at school because once they get home there is no working till they are asleep!!